And it is ok. Ideals need to perish because they are only feeding our delusions. By our own yardstick, all animals are deeply selfish but none are harming the ecosphere. Is it not time to take collective responsibility for the laughably epic mess we are in? Not as a dramatic ‘social awakening’ but at a deeply personal level. An acceptance of all the evil each one of us represents. We have outsourced our hypocrisy to politicians, our sleaze to Bollywood, our greed to Wall Street, our violence to industries and our guilt to court rooms. Then we protest against these very institutions to feel good about ourselves. No matter how noble a cause sounds, one must never forget that the desire to change the world and impose our will on it is what got us here in the first place.
Blood is on all of our hands. We have taken more from the planet than we can ever give back. No one is worth their salt. It is time to stop acting surprised and start acting responsible.
- Punit Pania